Saturday, February 4, 2012

How do you say "What was the weather like last week?" in French?

I'm doing French homework and I'm being lazy. Help? x.x (Google's wrong. again. of course.)|||Quel temps faisait-il la semaine derni猫re?

use this tool also:|fr|What%20was%20the%20weather%20like%20last%20week%3F|||Ivaylo is right. But also: "C'茅tait comment le temps la semaine derni猫re ?"

(In French, there's a space between the last letter of the sentence and the question mark. You're teacher will probably tell you something different because she probably doesn't speak French that well. They rarely do unless they're native French speakers, of course.)|||I would say:

Qu'est que-il c'etait le temps la semaine derniere.

I think that the previous answer could also be correct... However, any online translators should be avoided at all costs.|||Je ne parle frances

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